Browse away, but please be aware some new portfolio pieces are missing, and things are rapidly changing!

Erin “Pages” Waldram

A professional game designer, writer, web designer, and of course, a recently diagnosed polymath. My portfolio is available for perusal, above and below!

How Manjora’s Mask Teaches Us to Connect With All of Ourselves

My latest project is a 10,000 word dissection on the narrative design of The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask. Hosted by With A Terrible Fate, a site of which I’ve been a long-time reader, my analysis focuses on the psychological journey Link undergoes, healing from his traumas formed throughout the events of Ocarina of Time.

Social Media Specialist and Web Designer.

My current position is as Receptionist at Oaktree Health and Wellness. I currently work at the front, and balance my time with patients, administration, and designing posts for their outreach.

I am also in the process of working on their website design.